Answer :
Answer: Dealing With Siblings
By: Me, duh.
Year 2009 (April), on a late Wednesday night, my brothers and I awoke to the noise of rattling outside our windows. At first, we all ignored the rattling and turned over in our beds and went back to sleep. But then, the rattling got louder and sharper. After hearing it again we all decided to get up and check out what it was. As my 3 older brothers and I walked outside in our pyjamas to see what was going on outside, we noticed that there was a strange smell coming from our backyard. So, as we all went into the backyard to see what this continous situation would bring us next, there it was... four big raccoons inside our trash cans. We looked at them and they looked at us, and we looked at them again and they looked at us again. Suddenly, each of the raccoons scurried away with pieces of garbage in their mouths. As soon as we all realized what had happened, my second eldest brother, Liam, ran towards the direction that the raccoons had scurried. Without hesitation, my 3rd eldest brother, Greg, looked down at me and said, "this is all your fault" in an angry voice. I looked up at Greg with a confused look on my face and replied, "what?! what did I do?", "You! What did you do!? YOU were the one that dad told to tie the trash cans up last night." "No, no, no. Dad told YOU to tie them up last night. But maybe it's just your memory loss getting to you again." Greg and I continued to argue like this until my first eldest brother, Matt, broke us up saying "Hey! It wasn't either of you guys's faults. Maybe it was Dads." Greg looked at me confused and I looked at Greg surpirsed and be both replied with, "NO", and then went back to arguing. Greg, Matt, and I started arguing with eachother before my 3rd eldest brother, Liam, came back into the backyard with an relaxed look on his face and said, "uh. am i inturuppting something?". Matt looked at Liam and said "Nope, just arguing about why the trash cans are not tied up. You know who it was?". "Oh! Yeah, that was me!" Liam replied. Automatically, Matt, Gregg, and I all turned our heads to Liam and said "what!?". "yeah, i was going to tie them up but I had too much work on my hands and was gonna come back to tie them up later." After understanding what just happened, Matt walked over to Liam and said "Okay. Its fine. At least they didnt get into the house!". Matt, Gregg, Liam, and I all chuckled and cleaned up the mess that the raccoons made in the backyard before going to bed. Nexxt time, we'll be prepared for those little bandits.
STORY MEANING: Raccoons mess with trash cans. Brothers argue about who was supposed to tie them up or not. Brothers turn on eachother before realizing that one of the other brothers had done it.
I had to stop running. My lungs were on fire. How much longer could they chase me. After all, I only told my twin brother because they told me if I was to go and tell a teacher that they were going to hurt me. But as soon as I stopped running I looked up to see an old abandoned brick mansion, but even though it looked abandoned I knocked anyway because someone could live inside. But when I knocked no one answered so I had gone in and by the time I locked the door the thirteen girls went running past that old house. So when I turned around to see the inside I could tell that someone had tried to do some repairs to the inside because there was a tool bag on the recliner and paint buckets on a clear plastic paper with paint brushes next to it. The couches were covered with the same plastic type of paper. Any way I thought I could be nice and start to paint the living room anyways by the time I was half way done with the living room I heard a car door and a car horn beep I thought I could just run to the nearest closet and hide but as so as I was getting comfortable forgot my backpack on their recliner. So I can out of my hiding spot and went to go and get it had a lady and a man caught me and I guess I kind of gave them a shock because after I scared them they started to laugh and I remember seeing a movie like this to where after they were laughing they yelled at the little girl, so before they had the chance I said “I’m so sorry,” as tears came to my eyes “i thought the house was abandoned and I had thirteen girls chasing after me and I knew that I couldn't go home cause my dad was probably drunk…” before I had the chance to finish the lady had said “ That’s alright sweetheart, and we could see that you helped us out a little in the living room too” “ Oh yes ma’am sorry if it isn't the right was it is just I use to do this when I was living with my mother before she had passed…” “If you need to you are welcome to stay the night here if you want to because we only have two kids and way more rooms than kids” as soon as he said that two kids my age had walked into the house a girl and a boy maybe my age as soon as they looked at me the I knew who the boy was it was the quarterback player in football, Brian. And the girl was assistant captain on the cheerleading team. “ Mamma what is she doing here” said Cassie “ I was just about to leave.” I told her “ ma’am and sir thank you very much but I can't let y'all take care of a dirt bag like me. But as I was walking to the front door Brian stopped in front of me and told me I should but I kept denying their offer and I had started to walk home and when I get back on the street I saw the girls again they were waiting for me and before I knew it I was getting jumped by all of them and when the leader of the group went to kick my in my stomach Brian and Cassie came running outside towards me Brian picked me up and helped me to their pouch then he had went to go and get his sister before she got in to any trouble but as soon as they were on their way back I had passed out right there on their pouch cause I was being so stubering I was just going to walk it off so I was standing up as I had began to faint and before I had the chance to hit the ground Brian and Cassie had helped me back up and I was losing so much blood that they had to go and bring me to the hospital but there was nothing the doctors could do for me they said cause I was bleeding internally and they couldn't help me with that. And Cassie had told the doctor to do the same thing they did for her to me and by the time I was done in surgery I has doing good and now I was living with them and was now elected for head cheerleading team captain and I told the teacher they could give that position to Cassie and I will take the assistant captain and that is how my new life began.