
The Sun has six regions or layers. Identify the Sun's layers, beginning with the innermost and moving out.

1. Innermost
convective zone
2. 2nd innermost
3. 3rd innermost
4. 4th innermost
5. 5th innermost
6. Outermost
radiative zone

Answer :


Beginning from the innermost layer and moving towards the outermost of the sun that has six layers.

1. Innermost layer is the core: All the energy of the sun comes from core. Here hydrogen and helium are components that are present.

2. Radiative zone: The high-energy photons are move from the innermost core to the second innermost radiative zone.

3. Convective zone: It is a comparatively cooler layer to the core and radiative zone.

4. Photosphere: It is the 4th innermost region with sunspots and called the magnetic field of the sun.

5. Chromosphere: This red color layer with filaments of gas is cooler than the photosphere.

6. Corona: It is the outermost layer of the sun and the temperature is much higher here.