Answer :
GUYS! I don’t know if you know this, but, if you have Amazon Prime or any of your family or your friends or if you have anyone who wants to prime, you can get a FREE subscription! I or Tommy in this case, gets money for NOTHING for you LITERALLY NO COST! Just click, subscribe, and it will give you an option if you have it, it’ll just say, Twitch Prime, you probably already have Twitch Prime, you probably don’t even realize you have Twitch Prime, just click if there’s a button that says Twitch Prime! Click it! IT’S FREE MONEY! IT’S ACTUALLY FREE MONEY! Like you don’t realize you have it, you can give free money for NOTHING! It works, you can absolutely press it! It’s completely free! And you get Twitch Prime absolutely NO COST to you. You give Tommy, money, and it’s like a tree full of money, it’s a money tree, they say it doesn’t exist, but it does, and it’s Twitch, I don’t know how they do it but, they-they somehow they have it, there’s Primes. And you can just generate money out of the air for Tommy. So you might as well do it, just click subscribe! Which you probably-probably even if you think you don’t have it, just check. You probably do, what if-what if anybody who uses your computer who has Amazon Prime probably has you logged in, you can just Prime. It’s free money!