Answer :
- super computers are the largest , fastest and the most expensive computers which have a large memory capacity and very high processing speeds for solving scientific and engineering problems .
- Mainframe computers are powerful, largest general purpose computers made to handle a large volume of data .
- Hybrid computers contain the major features of analog and digital computers which are mostly used for various engineering fields and scientific research .
hope it is helpful to you
Super computer : The most powerful ,fastest and also very expensive computers are super computers.It waas developed in the 1980s .It is used to process large amount of data and to solve the complicated scientific notations.Some of the super computers are: cray-1 , cray-2 ,ETA etc
Miniframe computer :The very large and expensive computer that requires a very large clean room with air conditioner capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously is called miniframe computer.It has a multiple processors .some examples of miniframe computer are :IBM s/390 , control data cyber 176 etc
hybrid computer :The computer that can perform the task of both analog and digital computer is called hybrid computer.It is also called special purpse computer because they are programmed for the specific purpose and can convert one type of data in another.It is used in a wasging machine , rocket launching etc.
Mini computer : mini computers are the medium sized computers which are larger than micro computers and samller than miniframe computers.They have larger storage capacity and higher speed than micro computers.Some of the mini computers are: IBM AS/400 , IBM system 360 HP etc
Hope this helps u!!