
You and two of your classmates have been assigned to work on a group project. You need to meet outside of school to work on the project. Your classmate, Brian, suggests meeting up at Starbucks since they have free wifi. However, your other classmate, Amanda, says she has wifi at her house. Which is the safer option? Explain why.

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Answer :

The safer option is at Amanda’s house since it isn’t a public space like Starbucks and there’ll be adults who can look out for the children.

Answer: Amanda's house is obviously safer because its a classmates house and she also has wifi there if they go to starbucks its a public place where they can get kidnapped. But if you go to a classmates house and they're not your friends they also could be trying to do something bad. But the safer option is Amanda's house where they are in a private places with people they know.


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