
Answer :

Hello is anyone there? She answered, Yes, who are you? The voice responded, I’m Shenel, are they behind you are you one of them? The girl said, yes they are behind me but I don’t know what they are much less being one of them can I come in please? Shenel said, Yes you can come in but I’m warning you now that I’m armed. The girl opens the door to the image of a girl no older than 16 years old sitting on the floor holding a shotgun pointing towards the door she had just entered through. Shenel looks at the girl as she puts down her shotgun saying, oh my word I’m so glad I’m not alone here anymore. How close are they behind you? We need to leave as soon as we can to avoid them catching us. Shenel quickly stands up and starts packing a bag with things lying around. What’s your name? Shenel says with her back turned packing. Um, I’m Stephine the girl answers shakily. Ok that’s a nice name Stephine sorry for all of this happening but we really need to leave now. Shenel stops packing and turns to look at Stephine. Are you ready? Stephine looks at Shenel and says, Who are those people, and where is everyone else, what’s happening I need some answers please! Shenel stops and sighs, ok so I’ll try to give you the short version ok. Stephine nods yes at Shenel. Shenel takes and deep breath and says, ok so those people are all a part of a cult and truthfully they aren’t really people they are demons and they have sacrificed every person they have been able to catch, so we need to go ok I can keep us safe there is a bunker we need to make it to it’s about 15 miles from here ok so let’s head out now I think I hear them coming now! Stephine and Shenel head out of the house listening closely as they can for any signs of someone behind or in front of them but all Stephine is able to hear is her heart racing in her chest as they run. Shenel stops suddenly and looks back at Stephine with fear in her eyes and whispers shakily, look don’t stop running I’m going to try warding them off we are only about a mile and a half from the bunker. Stephine just then realizes they are starting to be surrounded by at least 150 demon people. She looks back and says, what about you? Shenel says , save yourself I will be ok, on three ok, 1, 2, Shenel screams 3! Stephine bolts not looking back hearing the sound of gunshots and screaming it only makes her run faster and her heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of her chest. Just as she thinks she is never going to make it she sees a big door with a yellow sign on the front reading, emergency bunker. She runs up yelling for someone to open the door. She hears something running behind her and she becomes frantic. LET ME IN, LET ME IN!! Right as she thinks there is no hope the door opens and she runs in as she looks back she sees Shenel and yells, RUN YOU CAN MAKE IT!! Right at the door is almost closed Shenel makes it in the door they both embrace each other in a hug crying they say, We made it, We are ok! The end
There is a really big story above so read that if