
Answer :

I relate the most with the Apostle Peter because he was the closest to Jesus Christ. I find myself very close to Jesus Christ because I obey his established laws and commandments such as “Pay to Caesar what is owed to him and pay to God what is owed to God”. True Christians don’t participate in government affairs like voting. Even if my parents vote, I don’t vote because I know it’s wrong in the eyes of God for I am in favor of the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom promises that will rid of death and sickness as promised by Revelation 21:2-5. God’s Kingdom is a real government established by God.

Also, the apostle Peter was the most curious and outspoken out of the other apostles, he delighted in the words of truth of Jesus Christ. That’s why Jesus had a special love towards this specific apostle. I too am an outspoken and curious person, I delight in the Bible and the scriptures. I am a person that constantly follows Jesus words and puts them into practice, just like Peter.

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