Answer :
Solution :
Note 1
calculation of remaining income after distribution of salary and interest on capital.
Total Net Income $ 45,000
Less : Salary allowance $ 60,000
($20,000 + $25,000 + $15,00)
Less : Interest on capital $ 15,000
($ 6,000 + $ 5,000 + $ 4,000)
Remaining income / (loss) to be allocated $ 30,000
Since the remaining income is negative, i.e. it loss to the SR partnership, so such Loss will also be allocated to the partners. Since in a partnership, Partners are required to share profits as well as losses. Hence, such loss will be deducted from the other shares.
Scheduled of amount allocated to each partner
Partners S Partner R Partner T
a). Salary allowance allocated $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 15,000
b). Interest on average capital $ 6000 $ 5000 $ 4000
balance allocated.
c). Remaining income allocated $ 9000 $ 9000 $ 12,000
Total allocation (a + b - c) : $ 17,000 $ 21,000 $ 7,000