Answer :
In 1943, Abraham Maslow a humanist psychologist in his work titled "A theory of Human Motivation" stated that five categories of human needs influences or impact the behavior of an individual.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can be defined as a pyramid model which typically represents the fundamental or basic needs of an individual that are necessary and required to be met before he or she can achieve complete growth, development and self-actualization
Basically, the five (5) human needs include;
I. Physiological needs.
II. Safety needs.
III. Love and belonging needs.
IV. Esteem needs.
V. Self-actualization needs.
According to the hierarchy of needs, the esteem needs comprises of strength, confidence, respect from others, self-belief, accomplishment, self-worth, physical and social acceptance, self-respect, etc.
Hence, this scenario describes how Al fulfills his esteem needs.