
After reading about chairs at Reynolda, Shaker chairs, 18th-Century
French furniture, and the Bauhaus movement, write an article for a design
magazine. In the article, compare chairs from the different focus design
movements. Describe the physical attributes (materials, structure, etc.) of
each chair and explain the aesthetic and utilitarian value of each chair in
its associated context. Make sure to include pictures with citations.

Answer :


... diseño de muebles de la Bauhaus, que se han convertido en iconos del siglo XX. ... Hasta nuestros días ha llegado la silla Wassily, un hito del diseño realizado ... Mies van der Rohe, colaboró con la arquitecta Lilly Reich para crear esta silla ... y director de la Bauhaus Walter Gropius aplicó la filosofía del movimiento al ...
