
IN C++ PLEASE!!!! Define a function FilterStr() that takes a string parameter and returns "Good" if the character at index 4 in the string parameter is uppercase. Otherwise, the function returns "Bad".

Ex: FilterStr("sandwich") returns


Recall isupper() checks if the character passed is uppercase. Ex: isupper('A') returns a non-zero value. isupper('a') returns 0.

string's at() returns a character at the specified position in the string. Ex: myString.at(3)
using namespace std;

/* Your code goes here */

int main() {
string input;
string output;

getline(cin, input);
output = FilterStr(input);
cout << output << endl;

return 0;

Answer :


Replace /*Your code goes here */ with

string FilterStr(string str){

   string retStr= "BAD";

   if(isupper(str.at(4)) != 0){

     retStr = "GOOD";


   return retStr;



This defines the function

string FilterStr(string str){

This initializes the return string to BAD

   string retStr= "BAD";

This checks if the string at index 4 is uppercase;

   if(isupper(str.at(4)) != 0){

If yes the return string is updated to GOOD

     retStr = "GOOD";


This returns the return string

   return retStr;


See attachment for complete program

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