Answer :
The following code is written in Java. It is a function that creates a Random object to generate random values, then uses those values to choose a random rank and suit using switch statements. It then saves the rank and suit into a String variable in the correct format and finally prints the card that was picked to the screen. The function was called 4 times in the main method and the output can be seen in the attached image below.
public static void randomCardGenerator() {
Random rand = new Random();
int rank = rand.nextInt(14)+1;
int suit = rand.nextInt(4)+1;
String chosenCard = "";
switch (rank) {
case 1: chosenCard += "Ace"; break;
case 2: chosenCard += "1"; break;
case 3: chosenCard += "2"; break;
case 4: chosenCard += "3"; break;
case 5: chosenCard += "4"; break;
case 6: chosenCard += "5"; break;
case 7: chosenCard += "6"; break;
case 8: chosenCard += "7"; break;
case 9: chosenCard += "8"; break;
case 10: chosenCard += "9"; break;
case 11: chosenCard += "10"; break;
case 12: chosenCard += "Jack"; break;
case 13: chosenCard += "Queen"; break;
case 14: chosenCard += "Kind"; break;
default: System.out.println("Wrong Value");
chosenCard += " of ";
switch (suit) {
case 1: chosenCard += "Clubs"; break;
case 2: chosenCard += "Diamonds"; break;
case 3: chosenCard += "Hearts"; break;
case 4: chosenCard += "Spades"; break;
default: System.out.println("Invalid Suit");