Answer :
Deism is the belief that God created the universe, set it in motion. Deist don’t apply human characteristics to God. Which is something that is contrary to the Bible. The Bible gives God human attributes when it comes to qualities. Of course, we are created in God‘s image. For example, the book: “Draw close to Jehovah” made by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society gives us a list of qualities God is known for:
- Almighty. His power is limitless, irresistible.—Revelation 15:3.
- Father. The source of all life, including everlasting life, he has fatherly love for his servants.—Proverbs 27:11; John 5:21.
- Grand Instructor. He is the all-wise Teacher, to whom we should look for instruction and guidance.—Isaiah 30:20; 48:17.
- The Rock. Unchanging, he is a secure refuge.—Deuteronomy 32:4.
- Shepherd. He guides and protects his sheeplike servants and arranges for their spiritual sustenance.—Psalm 23:1.
Also, deist don’t view God as a humanoid, which is completely accurate. God is a spiritual being. Deist view God as “An eternal, transcendent force with divine intelligence, as the first cause; the architect behind the universe and natural laws.”
Deists is a God and Deism is a system that holds the truth. The truth about Universe can only know by the gods said in Deism system.
God have created Peace.
in my opinion God have created nothing. they were like us but due to high knowledge got by naturaly bioligically so they gived good knoledge to people, you can take the example of Lord buddha, Jesus Christ they know them selves they knowed the meaning of life and death, they knowed angryness, Sadness, jelusness, shyness all the opositve feelings have no meaning no profit to take so they become a teachers and started teaching good fealings, bihaviors, there is no profit to be angry that can be solved by politey. they teached people to leave loveing, helping and beaing happy all the time whatever we have. they teached positive things (it simply means they brought or we can say they created peace) so the people made him god but the lord buddh and jsus christ they don't thought them the god they had millions of followers so the followers made them leader and leader is same like gods. people took them as a gid in heart. they were born like us and letter on after death they changed into energy and that energy have life magic how we don't know. And in today's world we can see the changes after death of lord buddha and Jsus christ. (they left the peace and knoledge and we followe them as a god because they gived us peace, knoledge about deep feelings, meaning of life and death which is very importaint to a persons to continue the humanity). Now we pray them and praying gives us positive energy makes us powerfull for specific time and belives in us what we going to do will becomplete fine, safe and good happy.
i hope it will be helpful about what god created and how god was born.
Its me bibekananda Sutihar Sharma from Nepal.
My fact ( positive belives, positive things and positive thinking have great power, it has great frquency, magic in them selves) Follow these things be sucessfull to leave life.