
Answer :

Themes related to the history of the world since 1917 like unresolved

global conflicts, decolonization and nationalism after World War II, human rights and civil

rights: working toward social injustice, and globalization still apply to us to this day.

Immigration applies to us today and is an example of globalization, the Black Lives Matter

Movement is an example of society working toward social justice, Nationalism in the

contemporary United States, for example, the September 11 attacks of 2001 led to a wave of

nationalist expression in the United States, and finally, since the United States withdrew from the

JCPOA in May 2018, tensions have risen between the United States and Iran resulting in

unresolved conflict. The major consequences of globalization have been the transmogrification

of traditional religions and belief systems, the growth of nationalism leads to the process of

decolonization, unresolved global conflicts leave governments with tension and can end

violently, and finally, working toward social justice impacts people only in good ways.

Understanding these historical themes can help solve current problems because we can

analyze the theme and see a pattern. By understanding the themes more thoroughly, we're able to

understand and articulate the deep-rooted patterns of the problems and see how we can resolve

the negative effects or develop and grow from the experience. It is crucial to look at world

problems in their historical and cultural contexts. It is important because for example, if people

were not to look thoroughly for the context and causation of a problem, the full story wouldn't be

heard and the solution would result in an unfair resolution, it would be biased. All in all, it is

crucial to understand the four themes related to the history of the world because they can help

find a better solution to conflicts in the world happening today.

The Major Events that has happened in the Last Century includes:

  • World War I & II
  • Russian Revolution & Communism.
  • Economic depression etc

What is the meaning of Major Events?

This refers to a significant occurence that happens especially when it is unusual or important and this cut across economic, social, political matters etc

Based on the last 100 years, the Major Events that has happened  includes World War I & II, Russian Revolution & Communism, Economic depression etc.

Read more about Major Events
