Answer :
This is a compilation of materials that I created to use when I taught Romeo and Juliet to freshmen.
Paraphrasing Shakespeare Competition
I used this at the beginning of the unit to get students used to the language of the play. I had students work either with a partner or individually to see how many of these they could figure out. It also gives them practice paraphrasing.
Are Your Stars Crossed? Relationship Quiz
This is meant to go with the infamous balcony scene, Act 2 Scene 2. I had students read through it in group, using this as a guide.
Act 3 Scene 3 Reading Groups
This is a small group reading response for this scene.
True Story of Romeo and Juliet Reading Excerpt
This sheet focuses on reading strategies such as rereading and putting events on a timeline. It includes an excerpt for students to read and several comprehension questions.
Romeo and Juliet Final Writing Prompt
At the end of the unit, I used this to finish up discussion of Romeo and Juliet and to set up the persuasion unit that came immediately after it. It is a timed writing exercise. I taught on a 90 minute block, and this reflects that.
Romeo and Juliet Storyboard Project
This was a project that I had students start at the beginning of Act 4. Each partnership chose a scene to represent in storyboard format. There is not a template included with this as I found that students often wanted to play around with the formatting anyway.
Romeo and Juliet Extra Credit Extensions
These, for the most part, are comprehensive projects that are aimed at multiple intelligences.