Answer :
Actually it is not possible.
But if we start to do handwriting everyday then we will write our homework little faster and neatly.
1. Sitting position :
For better result inhandwriting our sitting position should be in favourable condition .We should be in comfirtable postures .
- The backbone of student should be straight .
- Student should slightly learn towards desk.
- Proper height of bench and desk is necessary to ensure comfort for a student.
2. Paper orientation :
As sitting position , paper orientation is equally important to improve handwriting . Paper orientation for left and right handed are similar . Paper should be slightly in 45 degree angle .
3. Grip on writing tool
last but not least is grip on the writing tool . The three fingers grip method is adopted to hold writing tool ( Thump, index, and middle finger ) . The holding zone in writing should be 1.5 cm above the nib. The grip should be loose as possible for better result .