
o Introduce yourself in a complete sentence in Spanish.
o State one sentence using the correct form of the verb estar and two prepositions to
describe the location of your country (Chile, Ecuador, or Peru) from your trip. (e.g., Chile is
in South America, to the left of Argentina and below Bolivia and Peru.)
o State one sentence using the correct form of saber + que to state a fact you know about
the weather in one of the points of interest from your trip. (e.g., After my trip, I know that in
the Atacama Desert, it is sunny and hot.)
o State one sentence using the correct form of the verb conocer to describe a place in a
city from your trip and use ser with an adjective to describe it. (e.g., I know the village of
Puerto Varas and it is elegant.)
o State one sentence using the correct form of the verb sentirse and one emotion to say
how you feel now that you are home from your dream vacation. (e.g., I feel very happy
about my trip.)

Answer :


  • Hola, yo me llamo (insert name) y tengo (insert age number) años.
  • Ahora, yo estoy en PerĂș, un paĂ­s alado de Ecuador y encima de Bolivia.
  • Despues de mi viaje a PerĂș, yo se que el tiempo ahĂ­ es soleado y caliente.
  • Cuando llege a PerĂș, conocĂ­ la ciudad de Lima y es una ciudad muy bonita con mucha gente.
  • TambiĂ©n cuando llege a PerĂș, me sentĂ­ muy feliz y emocionada para conocer el paĂ­s.


Hope this answer helps :)