
The diagram below represents the forces acting upon a rightward-moving object.
Each arrow represents a force; the length of the arrow represents the strength of
the force.

The Diagram Below Represents The Forces Acting Upon A Rightwardmoving Object Each Arrow Represents A Force The Length Of The Arrow Represents The Strength Of Th class=

Answer :



The up and down arrows appear to me to be of the same length, therefore there is no up or down acceleration.

There are no right or left arrows, therefore there is no right or left acceleration.

The mass moves with constant velocity.

This could be the free body diagram of an ice puck sliding across a frictionless ice surface.

The down arrow is the puck weight. The up arrow is the normal force of the ice on the puck.

A friction force would be represented by a horizontal arrow to the left for the rightward moving mass. It's not there.

If something were increasing the rightward speed, like a bottle rocket attached to the puck, it would be represented as a right facing arrow.