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Details, examples, a summary and evidence.


Before selecting the elements that a comparative essay has to have you just need to know what does an essay is: it is a text that explores, analyzes, interprets or evaluate a specific topic. It is considered as a literary genre and it is often related to didactic works. There are some features that an essay commonly have:

It is a written text that synthesises a significant theme

It is an argumentative text, which implies that it includes facts, references and external bibliography to accept or refuse an idea (the hypothesis)

Its opinions and arguments are always based on verifiable and relatable data.

Its structure is composed of an introduction, a body text and a conclusions part (it also has to have a references section).

As a matter of fact, the most important essays writer to the modern era is the French writer Michael de Montaigne who published a book named “Essays” in 1597; this published work had 10 essays.

Now, what is a comparative essay? When we talk specifically about these essays we have to think that it involves two (or more) subjects and, through the essay development, the author will explain how that two topics are similar or different; to achieve it, the essay will be composed by many comparisons and contrasting analysis. We should remember that some common aspects between two components must be able to make comparisons, thus the subjects have to have at least a little relation, or by the contrary, they will be many different.

The 4 elements from our list that are in a comparative essay are:

1. Details: through details, we can define all the specific topics that shape our comparison process. It will help us, as authors, to make things clear to the reader when we talk about differences or similitudes.

2. Examples: They could help us to support our ideas, but we should remember that all the examples that we incorporate to our text have to be based on true and ascertainable facts.

3. Evidence: As examples do, evidence helps us to prove or refuse our hypothesis because they work as facts and it gives more credibility to our ideas and comparisons.

4. A summary: It is important to have a summary about the similitudes or differences that we find between our study themes; it is fundamental because our readers will understand what we want to prove if they have all our ideas summarized.