
Answer :


1. Evapotranspiration is the sum of evaporation from the land surface plus transpiration from plants.

2. The typical plant, including any found in a landscape, absorbs water from the soil through its roots.

3. That water is used for metabolic and physiologic functions.

4.  As temperature increases, the rate of evapotranspiration increases.

5.  Evaporation increases because there is a higher amount of energy available to convert the liquid water to water vapor.

6. Transpiration increases because at warmer temperatures plants open up their stomata and release more water vapor.

7. Within the conterminous United States, the estimated mean annual evapotranspiration is greatest in the Southeast (about 35 inches per year or about 70 percent of the precipitation).

8. Evapotranspiration is an important process that is controlled by the interaction of a number of environmental factors.

9. The evapotranspiration rate is normally expressed in millimetres (mm) per unit time.

10. Methods for evaluating evapotranspiration can be divided into three categories: hydrologic or water balance methods, analytical methods based on climate variables, and empirical estimates.


Hope this helps :)