
Part A - For each question, choose the letter of the general idea that is best implied by all aspects of the specific ideas. The answer you are looking for will show how the specific ideas are most closely related. Read each option before you choose your answer.

1. Specific ideas: Russia, China, Australia, Canada
General idea options:
a. Countries:
b. large countries
c. European countries
2. Specific ideas: stop drinking, cut down on sodium, eat more fiber, exercise
General idea options:
a. ways to cure an illness
b. ways to save money
c. ways to improve your health
3. Specific ideas: colt, piglet, chick, calf
General idea options:
a. offspring
b. animal offspring
c. farm animal offspring
4. Specific ideas: "My wife is a nag,", "He made me twist my ankle again!", "Those teenagers are playing
their music too loudly.", "Her boss is really being unfair."
General idea options:
a. statements
b. complaints
c. complaints about other people
5. Specific ideas: Wyoming, Texas, Delaware, Pennsylvania
General idea options:
a. states
b. Western states
c. small states