1. The large man with "CAPITALISM" on his chest represents what Karl Marx termed the bourgeoisie.
- The bourgeoisie represents Western Capitalists (Capitalism as practiced then in Europe and American).
2. The small man with "LABOR" tagged to his arm represents the working class, according to Karl Marx.
3. This political cartoon shows that the relationship between Europe's social classes during the Industrial Revolution was not one to be envied. It was an exploitative relationship where the bourgeoisie massively milked the working class dry.
- It was marked by class struggle with the abolition of private property ownership by the majority for private property ownership by the minority. Common or social property for all was completely non-existent.
4. The next step, which Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto lamented, was the annihilation of the working class through which capitalism thrived.
Thus, when the views are scaled, they appear to balance each other, as if the evils of communism did not outweigh the evils of capitalism. Experience has shown that a total application of each ...ism is destructive to society and the human race.
Read more about capitalism, communism, and socialism at https://brainly.com/question/5604714