
10. What does Nefertaris tomb tell us about ancient Egyptian beliefs regarding burials
and the afterlife? Support your answer with at least one example of a painting or
decoration in her tomb that illustrates these beliefs.

Answer :

The decoration on Nefertari's tomb shows how the Egyptians believed in the afterlife.

We can arrive at this answer because:

  • The tomb of Nefertari, like the tomb of other Egyptian monarchs, is made up of various paintings that decorate it.
  • These paintings tell a story and, in addition to decoration, they serve to inform visitors what will happen to the body that is buried there.
  • The paintings tell how Nefertari's journey in the other world will be, as they believed that death is the passage between worlds and that this queen will continue to live in another dimension.

The Egyptians believed in the afterlife, especially of their rulers who were seen as eternally living deities.

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