
Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

as always in such problems, our first approach is to use for every sub-selection (in our case of 3 numbers) a mixture of smaller and larger numbers.

we have 3. 4, 5, 6, 7 available.

so, my first thoughts are "how about I try 3, 4 and 7" for one line of 3 numbers.

so, I would have a total 3+4+7 = 14

that leaves me with 5 and 6.

5+6 = 11

hmmm. what is missing to the previous total of 14 ? 3.

ha !

is there a "3" I can share with the other number line ? yes the other number line has a "3".

so, if I make 3 my center number, it applies to the total of both number lines.

4+3+7 = 14

5+3+6 = 14

and bang ! there you have your solution.

3 in the middle, 4 and 7 on the outside in one direction, and 5 and 6 on the outside in the other direction.