
Answer :


Mesopotamia Political - It was a Monarchy that had three classes that include asnobility, free citizens, and slaves.

Mesopotamia Religion - They are polytheistic so they believed in thousands small gods and some huge gods.

Mesopotamia Intellect - They had advanced math and followed the movement of stars, planets, and the Moon. They were able to predict the movement of many planets. It took much mathematic and scientific work to do that. And by figuring out the phases of the moon they made the first calendar.

Using their advanced math, the Mesopotamian astronomers were able to follow the movements of the stars, planets, and the Moon. One major achievement was the ability to predict the movements of several planets. This took logic, mathematics, and a scientific process. By studying the phases of the Moon, the Mesopotamians created the first calendar.

Mesopotamia Economy - They used the bartering system which is a trade system where people trade goods and/or services for good and/or services in return.

Egypt Social - So you can say this like a pyramid because of Egypt get it. So the higher the pyramid the more powerful. At the top of the pyramid is the pharaoh. Then the officials. Then the soldiers. Then the scribes. Then the merchants. Then the craftsmen. Then the peasants. Then the Slaves. Sorry for the many Then the.

Egypt Religion - They are Polytheistic with more than 2000 gods and goddesses. They also believed in the afterlife so they invented mummification. You don't have to write this (You would think they only had one god I thought that too until I did some research.)

Egypt Intellect - They invented the pyramids to keep the bodies of very important people like the pharaoh. They made mummification for the bodies to go to the afterlife. They also invented three different symbols which are familiar 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000. They also made irrigation and advanced medicine.

Egypt Economy - They used the barter system in markets where they traded. They collected taxes as form of some of the crops the people grew or labor. The people were mostly self-sufficient. Many people owned slaves to grow crops and do labor.