
For each of the scenarios below, describe what the unconditioned stimulus (UCS), unconditioned response (UCR), the conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR) are.
1.) Opening a can of pet food with a can opener leads your pet to start jumping around.
2.) Smelling a perfume you wore during a great party makes you smile and feel good.
3.) Walking by the gym where you hurt yourself working out makes you wince.
4.) You cringe when you pass the intersection where you nearly had a car accident.
5.) A song reminds you of a former friend or romantic partner.

Answer :

The given stimulus response for the given scenarios are given below:

  • Opening a can of pet food with a can opener leads your pet to start jumping around.

The Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)

  • Smelling a perfume you wore during a great party makes you smile and feel good.

The Unconditional Response (UCR)

  • Walking by the gym where you hurt yourself working out makes you wince.

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

  • You cringe when you pass the intersection where you nearly had a car accident.

The Conditioned Response (CR)

  • A song reminds you of a former friend or romantic partner.

The Conditioned Response (CR)

The Unconditional Stimulus (UCS)

This has to do with behaviors that triggers a response that is not learned but happens naturally and instantly.

One example of this is the smell of a delicious meal which gives the feeling or sense of something pleasant

The Unconditional Response (UCR)

In this type of stimulus, there is an unlearned reaction to stimulus in any organism or living thing.

One example of this is the salivation of a nice meal.

The Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

This happens as a result of a stimulus which links a a neutral stimulus to one that is unconditioned and leads to a conditioned response.

One example of this is linking the smell of food to a means of dispelling hunger.

The Conditioned Response (CR)

This is a classical conditioning that puts together a learned response to a conditioned stimuli

One example of this is a shark salivating at the smell of blood

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