
Write a program that reads numbers from the user until a blank line is entered. Your
program should display the average of all of the values entered by the user. Then
the program should display all of the below average values, followed by all of the
average values (if any), followed by all of the above average values. An appropriate
label should be displayed before each list of values.

Answer :


nums = []

while True:

   in = input()

   if in:




if nums:

   avg = sum(nums) / len(nums)

   for i in range(len(nums)):

       if nums[i] == avg:

           print(f"index: {i+1}")



   print(-1)  # if there aren't any values in nums


Assuming that you are coding in Python 3x. The last 'else' statement is an edge case that you might want to consider, I don't know what you want to put there, but I'm just going to leave it as -1.