
a. cultural diffusion b. cultural boundary
c. ethnic group d. federal system
e. metropolitan area f. natural increase
g, free enterprise h. population pyramid
i. population density j. culture
31. the difference between an area's birthrate and its
death rate
32. a system in which private individuals have the right to
own property and make a profit with limited
government interference
33. the way of life of a group of people who share
beliefs, customs, and material items
34. a geographical border between two different cultures
35. the spread of material and non-material
characteristics from one culture to another
36. the average number of people living in a specific
geographic area
37. people who share common ancestry, language,
religion, customs, or place of origin
38. a region that includes a central city and its
surrounding suburbs
39. divides power between the national government and
state or provincial governments
40. an illustration that depicts the distribution of a
population by age and gender