
Answer :

I can give you one but it’s not gonna be too good I’m sorry cuz I’m not good with stories but here we go


Once there was a brave dog, named Katrina. She lived in a dog shelter where volunteers would take care of her. One morning, at 9:00 it was feeding time. Katrina could see all the dogs getting their food but Katrina didn’t get her food. She started barking at the volunteer but the volunteer couldn’t hear Katrina. After that was yard time, where the dogs would run around there squeezed yard. A different volunteer passed by and opened up all the cages for the dogs, All except for Katrina, she started barking loudly, but the volunteer was too far to her Katrina. When it was the dogs lunch time. They gave every dog their food. All except for Katrina. This time, instead of barking, Katina whimpered. It was so quiet not even the dogs could hear her. Later that afternoon, when it was nap time for the dogs, Katrina finally was able to fall asleep, without food, without water and without going outside. Katrina whimpered herself to sleep. 15 minutes passed by, Katrina was deep asleep until suddenly, two ladies walked into the main office of the dog shelter, it was a daughter and her mother, they wanted to look for a dog to adopt, they went into the dog cages and found Katrina, looking hopeless and sad, the daughter asked her mother to get Katrina ‘I don’t know, Lily. “ ‘Please!” begged lily. ‘Fine, we’ll keep him” ‘Yay, Cheered lily. They went back to the main office and they woke up Katrina, The cut the tag off and the mother paid the money. Then they went home, On the way, Katrina woke up, wondering where she was, later that day, she was fed dinner, went outside and lily was petting her all day. Katrina and Lily have never felt happier and decided to have Katrina as the new family pet.