
Professional & Youth Organizations
Do you know what youth organizations are? Have you ever been a part of one?

If so, you’ll probably have a bit of background information that will be useful for this activity. And if not, don’t worry—you will learn all about youth organizations right now!

Professional and youth organizations are groups either run by youth or started for the purpose of helping the youth in a given community. These groups can be run through schools, churches, or even at local recreation centers, among other places. Generally, all of these organizations have the same goal in mind—to provide a safe and engaging place for the youth of a community to grow, learn, and impact the world around them.

Youth organizations can be a great way for you (the youth!) to develop personal and interpersonal skills and build self-esteem. Plus, joining a youth organization can help you develop useful job skills and offer various leadership opportunities to prepare you for the real world.

Want to know more? Well then, let’s get started!

Activity Overview:
For this activity, you will be researching a variety of youth organizations and creating a presentation to showcase all that you learned.

Your presentation should be as interesting, diverse, and creative as the organizations that you are researching!

Ideally, your presentation will be created in a slideshow type program like PowerPoint. However, if you do not have access to a program like that, you may create your presentation in a word processing program or by hand on poster board.

(If you create your presentation by hand, you will need to clearly photograph each part of your presentation and upload the photographs to the dropbox for grading.)

Please note, a slide show presentation is preferred.

Activity Guidelines:
These guidelines are written with the assumption that you will be creating a slide show presentation. If you create your presentation in a different format, please adjust the use of ‘slide’ in the instructions to fit your chosen format.

Your presentation should include:

One title/intro slide
One or more slides giving an overview of what professional/youth groups are and why they exist
One or more slides for each of the THREE organizations that you research
For each organization, include the organization name, its mission, and a brief explanation of what the organization is or does
One or more slides that outline the different roles and responsibilities of members of youth organizations (in general)
Three graphics or photos throughout the presentation to enhance aesthetic appeal