
Whats wrong with this code? in terms of indentation.

#Travies Robinson
#Coding Fundamentals : Coding Logic : 03.05 Python Project favorite video game response

def main():

answer = input("Would you like to take a one question survey? (yes or no)")

if(answer == "yes"):

favGame = input("What is your favorite video game?")

print("Your favorite video game is the " + favGame + " amazing i've never played that

answer = input("What your favorite part of " + favGame + "?")

print("Interesting mabye i should try " + favGame + "."")

Country = input("What country are you living in right now?")

print("You are currently living in " + Country + ".")

Age = input("How old are you?")

print("Your age is " + Age + ".")

print("Thank you for answering the survey and have a great day!")




Answer :


(yes or no)") I do not really think this would work but I really didn't deal with this when i hack. That would need to be seperate from the question. Like for example Question = input("your question")

if Question == ("yes")

print ("well done")

elif Question == ("no")

print ("try again")