
Write a program Using loops to display the following patterns –
Your program should use loops to display all 6 patterns with one execution.
Input from the keyboard: the number of rows,
the number of asterisks in the first row,
1 to increment asterisks in each following row, or
-1 to decrement the number in following rows, or
0 to keep the same number as in the first row.
Sample screen dialog and output
Enter the number of rows 1
Enter the number of asterisks in the first row 10
Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, -1 for decrease, 0 for no increase 0
Enter the number of rows 1
Enter the number of asterisks in the first row 20
Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, -1 for decrease, 0 for no increase 0
Enter the number of rows 10
Enter the number of asterisks in the first row 1
Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, -1 for decrease, 0 for no increase 1
Enter the number of rows 20
Enter the number of asterisks in the first row 1
Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, -1 for decrease, 0 for no increase 1
Enter the number of rows 10
Enter the number of asterisks in the first row 10
Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, -1 for decrease, 0 for no increase -1
Enter the number of rows 20
Enter the number of asterisks in the first row 20
Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, -1 for decrease, 0 for no increase -1
Programmer: insert your name here