Answer :
Brainly is an online Educational platform that serves a community of tutors and learns, it is one of the largest online community that has helped so many students around the world be bridging the gap between teachers and students.
- Although there are other Educational platforms like Brainly, with Apps and Website alike.
- Brainly still remains the Biggest and the Best and it is still growing to meet the needs of student across the globe.
You can visit the brainly website to learn more about the various packages they offer.
Learn more about apps and website like Brainly:
Yes there are many apps like brainly. But brainly is best as compared to all of them.
There are many sites such as
- Chegg
- Club Z
- etutor world
- Khan Academy
- learn tutoring
But brainly is committed to find the right answer .The brainly services comes with personalized workplace. Best educational site.