
Answer :

Answer: It takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the swelling to go away


There are some causes of testicular or scrotal swelling that are serious diseases and can even be life threatening like a testicular cancer. Testicular swelling should prompt you to get a physician evaluation and exam.

Less serious causes my include epididymitis or orchiitis. These may be part of a viral illness like mumps with orchitis or epididymitis from strain or infection. Trauma, varicocele, and local infections like staph or herpes can cause swelling of the scrotum. I have seen filariasis with elephantiasis cause swelling that was massive in tropical locations. I have seen cirrhosis and congestive heart failure lead to scrotal fluid accumulation.

As you can tell, the list of possibilities makes a simple answer impossible and misleading. The best answer is to see a primary care doc or a urologist so you can get an accurate diagnosis and guided treatment. The "how long" question depends on caus