Answer :
when the pulse consists of quarter note beats, the bottom number of the time signature is 4. When the pulse consists of eighth note beats, the bottom number of the time signature is 8. As always, the top number of the time signature shows us the amount of beats per measure.
A time signature tells you how the music is to be counted. The time signature is written at the beginning of the staff after the clef and key signature. Time signatures consist of two numbers written like a fraction. The top number of the time signature tells you how many beats to count.
The time signature indicates how many counts are in each measure and which type of note will receive one count. The top number of a time signature is commonly 2, 3, 4, or 6. The bottom number of a time signature is either 4 or 8.
Rhythm—The term “rhythm” has more than one meaning. It can mean the basic, repetitive pulse of the music, or a rhythmic pattern that is repeated throughout the music (as in “feel the rhythm”). It can also refer to the pattern in time of a single small group of notes (as in “play this rhythm for me”).
Beat. The unit division of musical time is called a beat. Just as one is aware of the body's steady pulse, or heartbeat, so in composing, performing, or listening to music one is aware of a periodic succession of beats.