
Answer :

During episode 7 of "Cosmos: A spacetime odyssey", Clare Patterson thanks the scientist who have come before him, among these, he mentions Charles Lyell and Michael Faraday.

Cosmos was a popular television science documentary series. Episode 7 titled "The Clean Room", explored the work of Clare Patterson and during said episode, as he awaits the sample from the spectrometer, Patterson proceeds to give thanks for the advancement of science by those who have come before him.

Patterson states that he wishes to give thanks to scientists who have come before him and proceeds to mention names such as:

  • J. J. Thomson.
  • Ernest Rutherford
  • Harrison Brown
  • Charles Lyell
  • Michael Faraday

all of which were renowned scientists with great contributions to the knowledge we possess today. He ends the thank you by stating that they now know the age of the Earth and with a symbolic "We did it."

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