
The Age of Imperialism

2. A people of modern South Africa
whom King Shaka united in 1818
[Choose ]
3. A Dutch colonist is South Africa
[ Choose ]
5. The Indian term for British rule
[Choose ]
6. Loyalty to a nation and promotion of
its interests above all others
[ Choose ]
8, The ______
War between Great
Britain and China over restrictions to
foreign trade
[Choose ]
10. A country whose affairs are partially
controlled by a stronger power
[Choose ]
______ Conference was where
the major European powers negotiated
and claimed territory in Africa
[ Choose ]
16. A soldier in South Asia, especiallv in
the service of the British
[ Choose ]
17. The British ____
Company set
up large, profitable trading posts in


1. Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem, the
White Man's _____
which became a
motto for imperialism.
I Choose
4. Discriminatory behavior towards
members of another ethnic group.
[ Choose ]
5. Unprocessed natural products used
in production.
[ Choose ]
7. Policy of extending a country's
power and influence through diplomacy
or military force
[ Choose]
9. Group in China that rebelled against
foreign influence in the country
[ Choose ]
11. A territory that is controlled by
another country rather than completely
[ Choose ]
12. A canal in Egypt linking the Red Sea
with the Mediterranean Seag
[Choose ]
13. A nickname for India under British
control was the " _____
in the crown"

The Age Of Imperialism Across 2 A People Of Modern South Africa Whom King Shaka United In 1818 Choose 3 A Dutch Colonist Is South Africa Choose 5 The Indian Ter class=

Answer :


2. Zulu

3. Boer

5. British raj

6. Nationalism

8. Opium

10. Protectorate

14. Berlin

16. Sepoy

17. East India


1. Burden

4. Racism

5. Raw materials

7. Imperialism

9. Boxers

11. Colony

12. Suez Canal

13. Jewel

The Meiji Restoration saw modernization in Japan in the 1800s.