Answer :
Alex was born into fame. His parents were both movie actors, so he was famous from the second he was born. As Alex got older he began taking acting classes. He wanted to follow his parents' footsteps and become a globally recognized movie star. Although his family was already wealthy, he wanted to make his own money too. He auditioned for roles in movies in LA and got the part easily. Most of the other roles were also given to people who were already famous or had famous parents. Alex noticed other people he didn't know at the auditions. He didn't know them because they weren't famous like he was. They were just average people wanting a taste of the American Dream. Throughout Alex's acting career he learned that he didn't necessarily earn his roles, but sort of just got them automatically because of his name. The producers knew they would make tons of profits off the movie if the viewers knew they were watching a movie with the son of famous people they knew.
Alex later decided he wanted to pursue a music career. Again, it would be easier for him to go into the music industry because he already well known in the movie and film industry. He made an album in the first year of his music career and announced he would go on tour internationally. Alex was excited. His hard work paid off, and he couldn't wait to travel the world and share his music.
Within the first month on tour, Alex started becoming depressed. He was living in isolation, constantly in hotels and airports. It wasn't like he could just go out in public and start talking to random people. He needed body guards which drew attention to him. If he decided not to have body guards, fans could swarm him and he could end up getting injured. Alex was prone to addictions. He wasn't just an average man. He was famous. He could try to make friends with commoners, but they could easily just try to use him for money or clout. Alex posted from his tour on social media, and began seeing hate comments which lowered his self confidence. This could make anyone suicidal. He didn't see his parents often since they were always on business trips and busy acting in upcoming movies.
Alex realized that in a world where so many people know his and want to be friends with him and idolize him, he was very lonely.