
Answer :



It's easier to answer what makes it unsaturated.

H - C ≡ C - H

This is Acetylene. It has three shared bonds between the two carbons. That many bonds makes it unsaturated.

     H   H

H - C - C - H

     H   H

Draw lines from 1 H on top to the Carbon underneath Do the same with the other hydrogen. Make the two Hydrogens on the bottom do the same thing.

The point is that Carbon has 4 bonds. 1 bond goes to the other Carbon. The other 3 take on Hydrogen. That molecule is saturated: nothing can be added in its natural state.

Saturated hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons that contain only single bonds between carbon atoms. ... They are called saturated because each carbon atom is bonded to as many hydrogen atoms as possible. In other words, the carbon atoms are saturated with hydrogen.

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