
Read the excerpt from The Miracle Worker by William Gibson.

([ANNIE] is interrupted by a gasp: HELEN has stuck her finger and sits sucking at it, darkly. Then with vengeful resolve she seizes her doll and is about to dash its brains out on the floor when ANNIE, diving, catches it in one hand, which she at once shakes with hopping pain but otherwise ignores, patiently.)

All right, let’s try temperance. (Taking the doll, she kneels, goes through the motion of knocking its head on the floor, spells into HELEN’S hand.)

Bad, girl.

(She lets HELEN feel the grieved expression on her face. HELEN imitates it. Next she makes HELEN caress the doll and kiss the hurt spot and hold it gently in her arms, then spells into her hand.)

Good, girl.

(She lets HELEN feel the smile on her face. HELEN sits with a scowl, which suddenly clears; she pats the doll, kisses it, wreathes her face in a large artificial smile, and bears the d

Answer :

What in the Wattpad is this


I did "D" and got it right