
PART B: Which TWO quotations from the passage best support the answers to Part A?
Select one answer that supports the first answer to Part A and another answer that
supports the second answer to Part A.
A. “That the Members of the Corporation make it their Pleasure, and in some
Degree their Business, to visit the Academy often, encourage and countenance
the Youth, countenance and assist the Masters” (Paragraph 3)
B. “That a House be provided for the ACADEMY, if not in the Town, not many Miles
from it; the Situation high and dry, and if it may be, not far from a River, having a
Garden, Orchard, Meadow, and a Field or two.” (Paragraph 6)
C. “That the RECTOR be a Man of good Understanding, good Morals, diligent and
patient, learn’d in the Languages and Sciences, and a correct pure Speaker and
Writer of the English Tongue; to have such Tutors under him as shall be
necessary.” (Paragraph 8)
D. “That they have peculiar Habits to distinguish them from other Youth, if the
Academy be in or near the Town; for this, among other Reasons, that their
Behaviour may be the better observed.” (Paragraph 9)
E. “As to their STUDIES, it would be well if they could be taught every Thing that is
useful, and every Thing that is ornamental: But Art is long, and their Time is
short. It is therefore propos’d that they learn those Things that are likely to be
most useful and most ornamental.” (Paragraph 12)
F. “MORALITY, by descanting and making continual Observations on the Causes of
the Rise or Fall of any Man’s Character, Fortune, Power, &c . mention’d in
History; the Advantages of Temperance, Order, Frugality, Industry,
Perseverance, &c. &c.” (Paragraph 22)

Answer :

Options A and C are the two passages that best support the answers in part A.

These passages are:

  • A. “That the Members of the Corporation make it their Pleasure, and in some Degree their Business, to visit the Academy often, encourage and countenance the Youth, countenance and assist the Masters” (Paragraph 3)
  • C. “That the RECTOR be a Man of good Understanding, good Morals, diligent and patient, learn’d in the Languages and Sciences, and a correct pure Speaker and Writer of the English Tongue; to have such Tutors under him as shall be necessary.” (Paragraph 8)

We can come up with this answer because:

  • The author shows that it is necessary to encourage young people to attend and enroll in the Academy and that this stimulation must be done by older and wiser people.
  • He reinforces that this will allow the creation of a generation of highly qualified professionals who are capable of optimizing the conditions in the country.
  • He also states that for this to be possible, the professors at the academy must be intelligent people, with moral values ​​and a high teaching capacity.
  • These characteristics are required not only from professors, but also from the Rector of the academy, who must set an example to students, in addition to strengthening the reputation of the academy in the country.

Through questions like yours, we can see that Part A presents Benjamin Frankling's intentions in writing "Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania."

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