
What is your business?
What will be your company name?
What good or service does your business provide?
How would you start your business?
Would you use Vertical or Horizontal Integration to grow your business? Why?
How much would you charge for your good or service?
Who would work for you?
How much would you pay your workers?
How would you ensure to not exploit your workers?
Would "Social Darwinism" have an effect on your business? Why or why not?
Who would buy your product?
Where would you sell your product?
How would your business create a monopoly or avoid being monopolized?
Would you include the "Social Gospel" aka "Gospel of Wealth" (Charity) in your business model?

Answer :

producer Motorola in 2012 IKEA's purchase of forests .in Romania to supply its own raw materials in 2015, and Netflix's foray into creating its own original content,.
