I need these questions answered in simple spanish pls

This depends on your daily life but I still can answer
1. Me despierto temprano casi siempre. (if u wake up early)
Yo no despierto temprano. (if u never really wake up early)
Me despierto temprano casi nunca. (if u dont wake up early often)
2. Casi nunca. (if u dont frequently go to sleep pass 12 midnight)
Casi siempre. (if u frequently go sleep pass 12 midnight)
Yo no me acuesto mas tarde de las doce de la noche. (if u never sleep pass 12 midnight)
3. Yo no me maquillo. (if u dont use makeup)
Yo me maquillo casi siempre. (if u wear makeup frequently)
Casi nunca me maquillo. (if u wear makeup but not that frequently)
4. Siempre me cepillo el pelo. (if u always brush ur hair)
Casi nunca me cepillo el pelo. (if u dont brush ur hair often)
Yo nunca me cepillo el pelo. (if u never brush ur hair)
5. Siempre me afeito. (if u always shave)
Casi nunca me afeito. (if u rarely shave)
Yo nunca me afeito. (if u never shave)
okay there u go
-native spanish speaker lol