Answer :
LOGOS is about reason and logic. The logos in the passage above is how events turn so quickly especially the deportation.
PATHOS refers to emotions and feelings and, in the passage, it indicates a young Jewish boy discovered the kingdom of night. I remember his bewilderment; I remember his anguish.
ETHOS that indicates credibility and ethics which in the passage states that the fiery altar upon which the history of our people and the future of mankind were meant to be sacrificed.
If we are going to analyze, logos, ethos, and pathos are the three methods of persuasion. Its main purpose is to appeal and use by the speakers and writers to convince and hook their audiences. First, Ethos is an appeal to ethics that depends on credibility and expertise as persuasive techniques. Second, pathos is an appeal using emotion that creates an emotional response in order to persuade an audience. Lastly, Logos is an appeal to logic and reason which only depends on facts to assure the audience. These three methods are very important to consider in writings in order to create a well-written passage to cater to and ensure the reader's satisfaction and understanding.