
Instructions: Copy and paste the following text into a document or create a document that contains the same information.

Using your essay in response to the unit's writing prompt, complete the following steps to improve your essay.

Insert your introductory paragraph. Include any revisions your instructor asked you to make.

Idea Development
Write the body and conclusion of your essay in the space below.

Highlight each paragraph according to the stoplight approach:
Green = Topic sentence
Yellow = Example, reason, detail, or fact
Red = Explanation of example, reason, detail, or fact

Based on your highlighting, what are the areas of your essay that need development?

Incorporate two additional or different examples to better support the controlling idea of this essay. Paste the examples below and identify your revisions by underlining.

Choose two examples and improve the explanations of them. Be sure your explanations show how the examples prove the points of their paragraphs. In the space below, paste your paragraphs and identify your explanation revisions by underlining.

Idea Development
Paste all of your revised body paragraphs and conclusion in the space below. Bold the transitions (link to transition list). Remember, transitions are ued between examples and between examples and explanations.

Identify what you have done to synthesize your message throughout this essay, especially in your conclusion.

Include your works cited information below, in MLA format.