
Write VI if it is visual indicators, Cl if it chemical indicators, Pl if it is Physical indicators and Bl if it is biological indicators
1. Run off in soil
6. Presence of coliform
2. Soil respiration
7. Bulk density
3. Soil Texture
8. Soil Organic Matter
4 Worms termites and ants
9. Change in color of the soil
5. pH level of soil
10. NPK concentration

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Answer :

Soil quality indicators are classified as follows:

  1. Run off in soil - PI.
  2. Presence of coliform - BI.
  3. Soil respiration - BI.
  4. Bulk density - PI.
  5. Soil Texture - VI.
  6. Soil Organic Matter - BI.
  7. Worms termites and ants - BI.
  8. Change in color of the soil - VI.
  9. pH level of soil - CI.
  10. NPK concentration - CI.

What are the soil quality indicators?

Soil quality indicators are a term to refer to certain character characteristics

  • Physical
  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Visual

These characteristics must be at adequate levels so that the soil can be considered as quality soil. These indicators (as their name implies) are a guide to know the quality of the soil and the viability of its use for different purposes, especially agriculture.

According to the above, it can be inferred that the classifications of each of the factors are organized as follows:

Visual indicators - VI

  • Soil texture.
  • Change in color of the soil.

Chemical indicators - CI

  • pH level of soil.
  • NPK concentration.

Physical indicators - PI

  • Run off in soil.
  • Bulk density.

Biological indicators - BI

  • Presence of coliform.
  • Soil Organic Matter.
  • Worms, termites and ants.

Learn more about soil in: https://brainly.com/question/1698808

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