
Answer :


to divide by 10, you move the number you are dividing over by one

to divide by 100, you move the number you are dividing over by 2

to divide by 100, you move the number you are dividing over by 3


divide by 10, if the last number is a 0 then remove the 0

100/10= 10

if the last number is not 0 then move the last number into the decimal place


divide by 100, if the last 2 numbers are 0 then remove the last two 0


if the last 2 numbers are not 0 then move the last number into the decimal place

1948/100=19.48 or 1908/100=19.08

divide by 1000, if the last three numbers are 0 them remove the last three 0


if the last 3 numbers are not 0 then move the last number into the decimal place

19555/1000=19.555 or 19055/1000=19.055 or 19005/1000=19.005