
INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. Ensure that your answers are underlined and bold.
Submarine volcanic, oceanic, seafloor spreading, away, mountains, Great African, San Andreas, faults, rift valley, stick, diverge

DIVERGENT PLATE MARGIN (Also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary)
Here two plates moves __away__________from each other. Molten rock, or magma,
immediately rises to fill any possible gap and forms new _________________ crust.
When this happens underwater, it is described as _______________ _______________. Huge underwater _________________ _________________ ranges are formed from magma coming up from the mantle. Over time these submarine volcanoes may become large enough to reach the surface.eg. Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean. Where plates move apart on land, _________________ ________________ are formed. An example of this is the _______________ ____________Rift Valley.

Answer :


Oceanic, Seafloor Spreading, Submarine Volcanic, Rift Valleys, Great african


DIVERGENT PLATE MARGIN (Also known as a constructive boundary or an extensional boundary)

Here two plates moves __away__________from each other. Molten rock, or magma,  immediately rises to fill any possible gap and forms new oceanic crust.  When this happens underwater, it is described as seafloor spreading. Huge underwater submarine volcanic ranges are formed from magma coming up from the mantle. Over time these submarine volcanoes may become large enough to reach the surface .eg. Iceland in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Where plates move apart on land, rift valleys are formed. An example of this is the Great African Rift Valley.