Answer :
Their difference comes about as a result of Marley's death and his visit as a ghost to Scrooge on Christmas Eve. Marley warns Scrooge on the consequences for not upholding human values such as Charity, Benevolence, Mercy, Forebearance, loving and caring for other, and cherishing the spirit of Christmas. He warned him that Scrooge would be doomed to wander about after he was dead but still could redeem himself with the visits of the other three ghosts of Christmas that brings about Scrooges dramatic change. His redemption is the point and purpose of the story. So Marley, his avaricious and misanthropic partner, prompts Scrooge to atone for his wicked ways, something Marley did not do before he died. Marley is doomed in his past failure for eternity while Scrooge is redeemed for eternity.
that is the answer hope it helps