Based on historical facts, the reasons the U.S. entered the war in order of the most important to least are:
- The Zimmermann Telegram.
- Unrestricted Submarine warfare.
- American loans.
- Revenge for the Lusitania.
Reasons the U.S. entered WWI
The Zimmermann Telegram was sent by Germany to Mexico promising that they would support Mexico if they went to war against the U.S.
Germany then reintroduced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare which meant that American ships going to Allied countries in Europe would be targeted for sinking.
American businesses and banks had also loaned allied countries a significant amount and the allies being defeated meant that those loans would be hard to recover.
The Lusitania was a British ship that had Americans that was sunk in 1915 by the Germans. 128 Americans died from this sinking and the Americans wanted revenge.
In conclusion, there were several reasons the U.S. entered WWI.
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